miredo's website!

Artists I like!

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|_| |_| |_|_|_|  \___|\__,_|\___/  enjoys pretty pictures

Here's a smattering of artists I like. This page is pretty empty right now, but I hope to change that.

Links on this page may be NSFW without any warning. In addition, this section of the site will not be in the feed, at least beyond being mentioned that it exists. Nitter links will be provided if a Twitter/X link is, although I make no guarantee that Nitter will continue to work. Nitter is tempermental, so refresh the page once or twice if it says there isn't any more content or that the user isn't found.

I might specifically mark some artists as being definitely SFW or all-ages, but otherwise, any link may contain R-18 (or R-15) content.

TODO: add stuff. Pixiv, social media, booru links if I have to.

Click here to return to the index.

Alternatively, check out other things I like.