_ _ _ __ ___ (_)_ __ ___ __| | ___ | '_ ` _ \| | '__/ _ \/ _` |/ _ \ | | | | | | | | | __/ (_| | (_) | |_| |_| |_|_|_| \___|\__,_|\___/ might be hard to get a hold of?
The absolute lowest friction way to get a hold of me is my cbox, I generally check it every day. Beyond that, I'm available in [R18] Heyuri CGI's chat most of the time, and I check it multiple times a day. Both are hosted by third-parties. The cbox does need JavaScript, while the Heyuri CGI chat does not need JS to work. I've posted in the Heyuri chat before using Links on the terminal, although a few JS-enable niceties don't work (auto-clear). My tripcode will show up as MIreDo.98. if you need to confirm it's actually me.
You can also use a twtxt file on your own site to talk with me. For anyone who is already in my twtxt config.txt, I will probably see your message (as of this writing, there is no one). You'll probably need to get in contact with me some other way for me to add you. If you want to follow me, here is my twtxt.txt. Since I already have the miniblog, I'm probably not going to use it for anything but talking to people.
Yes, every one of these contact methods is fairly public. I could put my email here, but I only use it for signups, and anyone who needs to contact me privately already knows how to. I really do want to look into getting a VPS or something so I can host my own Strange World or MiniBBS instance or something so I'm not relying entirely on third-party services...
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