miredo's website!


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Here are some sites I visit, programs I use, that sort of thing. Like many other parts of this site, this list is as much for myself as well as anyone who visits, it's basically a big public bookmarks list. Some sites may contain R-18 or NSFW content, and will be marked with [R18]. I may decide some sites are probably a bit borderline, and will mark those with [R15]. Imageboards and other BBSes may be attacked by spam or trolls, so you might see some unpleasantness before the site staff gets to dealing with it, you've been warned. As a result, all discussion board sites will be marked with [BBS].

I am making an effort to add feed links for sites. I prefer to link Atom feeds over RSS ones when available, and I don't mention which feed format is in use since it shouldn't actually matter for any feed reader you'd be using in 202X.

Page updated on October 31st, 2024. Links are in whatever order I feel. Links are added and removed as I see fit.

Click here to return to the index.

You might also want to checkout the Lainchan webring, which has more cool sites to check out!