miredo's website!

Image Gallery!

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  __ _  __ _| | | ___ _ __ _   _
 / _` |/ _` | | |/ _ \ '__| | | |
| (_| | (_| | | |  __/ |  | |_| |
 \__, |\__,_|_|_|\___|_|   \__, | of scribbles
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This is a gallery of stuff I've drawn. Most of it is from various oekaki boards, like on Nashi Kouen and [R18] Heyuri. Click each link to see the pic.

[R15] will indicate something with content I'd say is probably not for those under 15 -- generally just visible panties or clothing skimpier than a normal bikini. If it's not something the character would wear or show in public as someone with a normal amount of modesty, then it'll get the R-15 label.

I'm not really an H-artist, so there's no full frontal nudity and nothing is particularly sexy. If/when I do draw any outright NSFW art, it won't be posted here. I'm absolutely an R-18 sort of guy, but there's no R-18 media hosted anywhere on my site, and it will almost certainly stay that way.

If I'm honest, I'm not much of an artist at all, but I don't care lmao. Show the world the worst you can do!

Several of the landscape pictures are based on Bob Ross videos. Give them a shot, it's surprisingly easy to follow along on computer, except when it isn't and you have to desperately try and recreate the thing he's doing effortlessly with a brush that your paint program doesn't have. It's mostly easy though, and you can usually make do even despite the difference.

I would ideally just have these pics all visible, but Neocities doesn't like to load a ton of stuff at once. I occationally need to refresh multiple times to view galleries on other sites hosted on the platform, so I'd say that a big link list is fine. I also do want this page to load at a decent rate -- yeah, it's not small and this whole site is a 56k warning for anyone suffering over wifi at sea or some shit, but it's not unreasonably huge like a lot of sites on Neocities.

Minor edits of existing images won't be added to the feed. Major changes might end up getting their own entries.

Page updated on January 27th, 2025.

Currently showcased pictures:

All pictures:

Newer pictures are first (mostly, there are several points where the exact order of when I did each picture is almost certainly wrong). If this page gets too long, I'll split it up.

You might also want to check out the background images for the site, so here they are! I just use the Render > Pattern > Qbist filter in Gimp and then apply a bunch of other filters until it looks cool. I also use the Render > Fractals > Flame one to add a bit more variety. I don't care if you use them, just link here if you do!

I also have a tutorial on how to make your own backgrounds like mine! Check it out!

Click here to return to the index.