miredo's website!


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|_.__/|_|\___/ \__, | about something maybe...!

This is where I'm putting blog entries. I'll stick them on one single page until it gets too long, then there'll be a blog2.html, a blog3.html, etc. Entries can be edited after their post date (and probably will be).

I wish Firefox was a real competitor.

(September 9th, 2024)

Firefox on desktop regularly attempts to achieve feature parity with Chrome via discarding features that it has that Chrome doesn't. Mozilla's funding is quite literally almost entirely Google paying them to make Google the default search engine in it, so it's not like I'm unwilling to believe that there are other under-the-table terms or incentives, although you can't discount a sheer lack of taste from those heading the Firefox project. Chrome closes its fist on the internet as everyone other than Mozilla abandons their own rendering engines. It all just sucks.

Firefox on Android sucks and I only use it because it supports addons, it's unstable (or at least was -- I think an Android update solved the regular crashing/freezing issues I'd been having across, rather than Mozilla actually fixing anything) and it takes upwards of a literal minute for the interface to properly respond when being cold-started. I can interact with a single open tab, but I can't close or open other tabs while waiting for Firefox to actually finish whatever the hell it is doing. I absolutely need to find any other browser, but there just aren't any real options at this point...

The words "controlled opposition" refuse to leave my head when I think of the entire situation. Mozilla makes a LOT of money from their deal with Google, but it's clearly not actually going into improving their software.

First entry.

(August 18th, 2024)

I should have a blog, shouldn't I?

For now, I'll mention that I got to see a bit of Galaxy Angel recently (this was typed on August 18th, 2024) during a watchparty over at Heyuri. There's multiple seasons, we got to see the first. I was at work for like 60% of it... once I actually watch the whole show, I might make a proper entry about it.

The show was fun! The entire cast was very dumb, but it's entertaining.

On a closing note, have you ever thought about how fucked up it is that everyone just accepts the term "blog"? I remember when it was a fairly new word and everyone was desperately hoping something else would overtake it in the common lexicon, lmao. It's easily one of the ugliest words in common use. :P

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