miredo's website!

Lainchan webring!

              _          _
lainchan_____| |__  _ __(_)_ __   __ _
\ \ /\ / / _ \ '_ \| '__| | '_ \ / _` |
 \ V  V /  __/ |_) | |  | | | | | (_| |
  \_/\_/ \___|_.__/|_|  |_|_| |_|\__, | a ton of sites to check out!

I decided to join the Lainchan webring! I'll warn you that I haven't really been to all (or even most) of these sites. Some sites might be dead or squatted, some sites might contain content I don't like. Presence on this page is not an endorsement. Some sites might be cool as hell, so get clicking and check them out!

I make no guarantees whatsoever about the contents of these sites. Lainchan itself is R-18 (if not actually NSFW), so if you see anything R-18... well, LOL.

There are a lot of images on this page, so if they don't all load, refresh. Neocities occasionally isn't great about dealing with sites that load a ton of files at once.

This particular copy of the webring was originally nabbed from LainNet. Complain in the webring thread on Lainchan /tech/ if I'm missing any clearnet sites in the ring, I'll probably see it. I'll update the thread link on this page whenever it changes, unless I disappear into the abyss or something.

Also, 0x19.org seems to have a very up-to-date version of the ring, so I'll check that I have everything at some point. Not right now though.

Updates to the ring won't be regularly mentioned in the Atom feed, although I might still add a mention every once in a while. Last updated on December 31st, 2024.

Checked sites:

These sites have been checked to have been up and have a copy of the webring list somewhere at some point (and that's it). Even if the webring list is ancient and the site hasn't been updated in ages, it'll still end up in this section if it has a copy.

If there's an RSS or Atom feed, I'll put a link to it. If a site has both an RSS and Atom feed, I'll generally pick the Atom one, and if a site has more than one feed... I dunno, I'll pick the one on the front page or the one to their blog if I don't just include all of them.

A lot of people have different sets of sites on their copy of the ring, whether due to personal choice or not being updated in a while. I guess it's not really much of a ring, it's mostly tangled web of pages. To make this page even more useful, I also link to the links page if they have a separate one. Go forth and surf the web!

I did not realize just how many sites were in this list until I started this project of getting all the feeds and link pages for all of them.

miredo's website | feed link | webring page | links page

LainNet | feed link | webring page/links page

getimiskon's space | feed link | webring page (other links available on front page!)

Yukinu | feed link | webring page

dshel's notes | webring page

Midnight Mountain | feed link | webring page | links page

Nowhere.moe | webring page (the front page is full of other links!)

MonkeMan | feed link | webring page/links page

jyushimatsu | webring page/links page

World Playground Deceit | feed link | webring page

tinfoil-hat.net | feed link | webring page

Nightt's retro art | webring page/links page (seems to be ancient, very few sites on the ring there)

Jake's Thoughts | feed link | webring page (there is a separate links page, but nearly all the links there were broken...)

Jake's Mail | webring page | (yes, this isn't a spam/squat site lol)

maerk.xyz | feed link | webring page/links page

Underground Web Cyberpunk Community Project | (webring is on main page; site is largely in Italian)

Urist | webring page

saturnexplorers | feed link | webring page/links page (webring list seems really old)

Strings From The Network | webring page | links page

Slime-Net | (the whole site is in an iframe, but there is a webring link and a links page!)

Ophanim | webring page | links page | has an offsite blog with an RDF feed

J@ck#91 | webring page

Gap and Friends | feed link (blog - there are other feeds!) | webring page

sizeof(cat) feed link | webring page | links page

WorkingSea | webring page

Luke's Cabin | webring page

Protocol 7 | webring page/links page

Digilord | webring page | (the site's main content is the links, there are a ton!)

No Sleep | webring page | links page

hen6003 | webring page

Philosopher's Library | webring page

mm4rk3t | feed link | webring page/links page

kassy | feed link | webring page/links page

cabbage sorter | feed link (has parse errors due to misclosed tags, last checked November 6th, 2024) | webring page | links page | even more links

splashy | webring page/links page

oedo808 | webring page

xn-neko | feed link | webring page

Confusion's Blog | feed link | webring page

Morituri Te Salutant | webring page

Agora Road | webring page/links page

lain.la | webring page | (site's main content is the links to services it offers, quite a few)

lain.la | webring page

lain.la | webring page (really ancient it seems, very few there) | links page

Unchecked sites:

These sites haven't been moved onto the above list yet. It's a very manual process, so even sites that I like a lot might still be here. I'm just going through them all in order. This will take a while. It has already taken hours (with breaks, but still, it's a slow process), it might take me days/weeks/months/etc to actually finish.

No-ring list:

The only issue these sites have is that they don't have a copy of the webring on them. They're in the ring, but not really. These sites aren't going to get removed from the page just for that.

MayVaneDay Studios

lich's website

J. Frank Parnell
Kinda hard to read the extremely dark text.


Dead End Shrine Online

The Swiss Bay



Problem list:

These sites either aren't online, have almost no content, or have some other major problem with them. Sites with an [X] next to them have a moderate chance to end up getting removed from the list completely, and sites with [XX] have a very strong chance of being removed completely. Sites with [!!] are at imminent risk of deletion. I don't want to delete links to stuff if I can help it, so even if a site never puts the ring back up (assuming it had it), sites won't be harshly culled for merely not having a copy of the ring; having little of interest is a much more dangerous sin. Still, I can't say that even those sites not marked for deletion will indefinitely remain on this page, or even not be removed without warning.

If a site is interesting enough despite ending up down here, I might still decide to put it on my links page.

I might decide to move the links that have no webring link of their own without other issues to their own area on this page, since they probably shouldn't get lumped in as being a problem if they actually have interesting things.

[X] - no webring link. Very little site content. Cool site theme though, so maybe I won't prune it anyway, but it is on the chopping block right now. Concealed World has been down for a while, so don't click that link on the page.

[X] - no webring link, very little on site.

[X] - very little on site. Does have the ring, but it seems like it hasn't been updated in a while. I dunno if this site will ever get updated with anything on it...

[X] - the hell? No webring link, almost nothing at all on site. Clicking the [enter] link brings you to a game (controls are WASD to move, shift to fire, you lose control while firing and need to use W/S to move the bomb). Maybe you need to do it to get in, I dunno? It really doesn't seem like that's the case, though. What a weird website. Tempted to leave this up just because it's really weird.

[X] - almost no content. Has a webring link, and the site theme is kinda cool, but again, there's nothing here. The feed indicates that the site was last updated in 2022...

- a lot of placeholder internal links, very little content. Probably won't prune, it's not completely empty like some of the others.

[X] - very little content, no webring link.

- no webring link, very little on site. Still, what's there is kinda cool, I like the boot sequence and the site theme. Probably won't prune.

[XX] [!!] - site is down! Last checked December 4th, 2024.

[XX] - band page with almost no content on it; no webring link. Was updated on September 8th, 2024, but it's still a nearly empty site.

Click here to return to the index.

Alternatively, check out my curated list of links. Several links over there are from this webring!