miredo's website!

Main page!

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 _ __ ___ (_)_ __ ___  __| | ___  
| '_ ` _ \| | '__/ _ \/ _` |/ _ \ 
| | | | | | | | |  __/ (_| | (_) |
|_| |_| |_|_|_|  \___|\__,_|\___/  says hello

I'm miredo, just some old guy who wants to take it easy. I've abandoned much of the internet at large and I want to enjoy things.

I like anime (in particular, I'm a shameless mahou shoujo and mecha anime fan), I like rhythm games (in particular, Beatmania IIDX) even though my reflexes are getting worse every day, I draw a little bit even though I'm terrible at it and have no intention of getting better, and I (used to) make music. I'm working on getting back into that. I do a bit of programming, but I am an incredibly lazy programmer.

I usually update the site quite a lot (this may slow down since I have decided to replace huge portions of my free time with studying Japanese); this message was last updated Feburary 19th, 2025. Please refresh in case of cached pages. This site (and even this page!) can and will be updated more recently than that. I've been adding last updated dates to pages, but I know that I might forget to update them.

Here's my contact page, although I might be a little hard to get a hold of. I have a twtxt file that I set up mostly to talk to people with, not that I have anyone to talk to via it. It did seem neat.

Site sections:

You can follow my Atom feed with your favorite feed reader to keep up with site updates! This feed is manually edited. I don't keep a log of past updates in it, the feed is for keeping up with updates as I do them. I may decide that some updates are minor, although if I'm adding a link, picture, or blog entry, I'll probably update the feed.

Also, check out meeat, which is a simple JS fill-in-the-blanks template for making an Atom feed by hand.

I wrote a blog post for those who don't know about using RSS or Atom, so check it out (and then add the feed)!

I made a JavaScript game library called m(vl)gl!

Check out the sample game! It's pretty basic, but it's supposed to be basic.

I still need to provide documentation in HTML format, but all the important stuff is there. I hope to write a few small games with it and post them here.

Check out my drawing gallery!

I'm not much of an artist, but there are quite a few pics I've drawn on display. Gets updated fairly often, probably more than anything else on the site.

Check out my blog! I also have a miniblog, where unlike the main blog, entries don't get added to the feed as they're written. They will be added to the feed in digest form whenever I feel like it, usually after another more important site update.

I've written a handful of articles. They're mostly just short musings. I'm planning on a few more, although some might just end up as dedicated site sections, who knows.

The miniblog lets me add stuff to the site without really thinking too hard or needing to immediately update the feed. I just want someting very low-friction and easy. The main blog is for higher-quality, longer things that I think might be interesting to other people, the miniblog is for whatever I feel like posting online in that moment.

I'm working on pages detailing many the things I like here.

I need to add some pages, but what's there is increasingly substantial. I started to do some work on the Youtube recommendation page, especially due to how bad Youtube has become at recommending things. There's a list of MAME games I've been playing, and I added a page on Toki Pona, too.

Listen to music I've made here.

Have a listen! Most of it is older, but I hope to get back into actively making and releasing music. I really hope I actually get around to making more music - I am working on a few songs, but who knows if I'll ever finish them.

Check out the links page.

There are quite a few links now! There are also links to the RSS/Atom feeds if a site has one.

I joined the Lainchan webring!

There are a ton of pages here to check out. I haven't been to them all, and I don't make any quality or content guarantees, but it's pretty cool all around. I am currently sorting through the list.

I added a chat page!

It's just using service from cbox.ws in an iframe. If you find my site, say hi here! Also, if a link is broken, this is probably the easiest way to tell me. This is probably the easiest way to contact me in general. I kinda wish I had my own hosting so I wouldn't need a third-party service, but I'm cheap and lazy.

I now have a to-do list for the site.

This is all the stuff I need to remember to actually get around to doing for here. Updates to this list won't go in the feed since it's mostly for my sake, although usually completing an item on the list will probably mean doing something that does go on the feed.

Lastly, I made a tutorial on how to make backgrounds like mine. Click here to check it out! Nearly every page on the site has a different background because it's fun and easy to make them. I absolutely love making the backgrounds for this site, and I hope you all enjoy them.

If I add more tutorials, I'll add a page sorting them all into one place.

This site has a working phone layout, although it's a bit cramped. If something breaks, just switch to desktop view. I do actually test regularly, but I am still strongly of the opinion that mobile should be second-class to a proper desktop layout.

This site is designed to work and render acceptably without CSS enabled or in a browser like Links. I do regularly test how the site looks with Links, and it works great in both graphics mode and on the terminal. Unfortunately, with CSS enabled, the site needs a fairly modern browser to look right, I'm not particularly sure how well it gracefully degrades for older browsers.

Also, browsers like to cache this site pretty heavily, so you might want to hard-refresh the page first (Shift+F5 on desktop) or clear your caches. There is a very good chance you might miss an update because of cached pages!